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Print this pageForward this document  User's defaults

When DT Max is first shipped, a number of customizable features are preset in order to enable users to get started as quickly and smoothly as possible. These User's defaults are:

To use the program efficiently, ensure that these settings meet your preferences. Some can be changed by using a keyword in a client's file but this way of proceeding should be exceptional. To view or change the preset default values, select User's defaults from the Preferences menu, or press [Alt+F2].

Client information

When preparing tax returns, certain fields require the entry of the same value. To eliminate the need to make the same entry repeatedly, some of them appear as Client information settings. These can always be changed with the proper keyword in a client's file, as required. They are:

Tax calculations

The Tax calculations tab is where DT Max enables you to select settings in compliance with your firm's requirements. These features are:

Tax return

The Tax return tab enables you to select what you want DT Max to print and in what manner. Choose appropriate settings for your firm in the following categories:


April 10, 2020